Warren Fahey and Max Cullen
DEAD MEN TALKING is a 90 minute stage show celebrating Australia’s two greatest storytellers.
Max Cullen is Henry Lawson and Warren Fahey is ‘Banjo’ Paterson. Together they are Dead Men Talking.
Henry and Banjo are seated at the Leviticus Bar & Grill, Heaven’s Gate, yarning about old times, their legacies and their famed ‘war of words’ in The Bulletin magazine. Between friendly leg-pulling they revisit their youth and some of their greatest work, particularly their songs and poems that tell of a different Australia.
“Cullen and Fahey’s ‘Dead Men Talking’ is a lively banter between our two best-loved dreamers and poets.” (ABC Radio)
Dead Men Talking has been flooded with requests to perform from all over the country. The show has tapped a cultural nerve. Audiences really appreciate the stories, songs and recitations and have enthusiastically endorsed Max Cullen as Henry Lawson and Warren Fahey as Banjo Paterson.
Dead Men Talking will be touring extensively throughout 2015. The show is a must see for fans of Australia’s bush traditions. For more details, go to Dead Men Talking’s Facebook Page & Warren Fahey's website.
Tickets for all shows available here.
The show will go into recess from October to February allowing Max Cullen to join the cast of King Lear alongside Geoffrey Rush, and Warren Fahey to complete a new book and, in January, undertake a Seaboard lecture cruise from LA to Rarotonga.
The Rouseabout Records release of Dead Men Talking (RRR67) is available on CD through MGM Distribution or directly from Undercover Music via mail order and digitally through iTunes. It’s heavenly!
Listen out for DEAD MEN TALKING on ArtSound FM Canberra, 2MCE, 2VOX FM, BAY FM 100.3, 1233 ABC Newcastle, 2NUR, Radio Adelaide
SMH Spectrum is doing a major Saturday interview and photo for late July publication.
More Information: artist page

Roger Knox
This collection of Roger's best is a timeless testament to talent, and the glory that is one man's voice.
Those that may use this collection as an introduction to his music will truly be amazed at the control and seeming ease that he brings to every song. Roger was the first to tell blackfella stories in a modem country music idiom and he continues to take these stories to the masses - both black and white. There be a magic here and here is the manifesto that proves that Roger Knox is a living legend and should be on the Australasian Country Music Roll of Renown sooner than later. (Jon Wolfe, Capital News)
Roger has been nominated for induction into the TASMA Entertainers Honour Roll which will be awarded on the 1st July at the Town Hall in Glen Innes.
The ‘living legend’ has returned home from a long drive down to Myall Creek where his gig went really well. The ‘King of Koori Country’ also performed a live set recently at the Midnight Special in Enmore as part of a micro hometown tour of Sydney by the new Buried Country – the story of Aboriginal Country Music by Clinton Walker. Accompanying Roger on stage were Toby Martin and Jason Walker.
In the meantime, listen out for Roger Knox on Radio Eastern 98.1 Croydon, ABC Local Radio, 2SER, 5GTR, ZFM & Power Country Network & Radio16 Homegrown Country, Bar-B-Q Country with Tubby Dyer on todayscountry94one, Highland FM 107.1, Bay fm 100.3, Radio 4PI 97.3FM Palm Island, Eastside Radio 89.7FM, Yolngu Radio Service, OPus-Music Country Radio (www.omcrn.com), 4RR, Good Morning Country, Australian Country, Monaro FM, 2Maxfm 91.3, Country Roads, Radio Adelaide, Radio 1629am Newcastle, 90.1 Happy FM & 2NUR and look out for him in COUNTRY MUSIC CAPITAL NEWS.
Rouseabout Records re-issue of Warrior in Chains is available digitally through iTunes and directly from Undercover Music via Mail Order.
More Information: Artist Page
Cathie O'Sullivan
Cathie O’Sullivan’s return to the stage at the National Folk Festival was an unqualified success.
Her two performances were played before full houses and met with rapturous applause.
“The singing and harping came up nicely. It's been good for me to play the music again.” said Cathie after the shows.
‘The music’ is available on two new Rouseabout Records compilation releases Silly Winds and Down By The Green Bushesavailable on iTunes and on CD directly from Undercover Music.
2MCE’s Bruce Cameron describes the compilations as ‘An interesting selection of traditional and more contemporary material drawn from several 1970s vinyl releases on Warren Fahey's Larrikin and Jarra Hill labels’. ‘Delightful’ suggests Bundaberg Guardian’s Bert Everett.
Highland FM’s Bob Cady goes further ‘Thanks for the two Cathie O’Sullivan CDs you sent me. They bring back memories. A remarkable voice! I will be featuring tracks from them on air in the coming weeks. I really appreciate the music you send me and enjoy sharing it with the listeners in the Southern Highlands.’
2SM Super Radio Network Talk Tonight’s Graeme Gilbert adds “I played tracks (from both CDs) last week, to VERY POSITIVE response from the audience. Cathie will get more "plays" from me.”
Look and listen out for Cathie O’Sullivan in Trad & Now & Simply Australia and on 2SM Super Radio Network, Highland FM 107.1, 2MCE, ZFM & Power Country Network & Radio16 Homegrown Country, PBS FM, ArtSound FM, VOX FM, Tribe FM 91.1, 2COW 1079, Radio Adelaide, 88.9 WYN FM, BAY FM 100.3, KIX FM Kingscote, MONARO FM, 99.9 Voice FM, ABC Radio National, Eastside Radio 89.7, 94.7 Coral Coast Community Radio, 5GTR, 98.9 North West FM & 2MAX FM.
More Information: Artist Page
Gary Shearston
Gary Shearston will join Cathie O’Sullivan on the forthcoming Follow The Sun compilation to be released on US label Mexican Summer. Gary’s classic ‘Witnessing’ has been added to the collection of Australian tracks stretching across Folk, Soft Rock and Private recordings from the 60s, 70s and 80s. The collection has been curated by Mikey Young (Eddy Current Suppression Ring/Total Control) and Keith Abrahamsson (Mexican Summer/Anthology Recordings).
‘Witnessing’ is taken from Gary Shearston’s Here & There, Now & Then (RRR41) anthology which is still available on CD through MGM Distribution or directly from Undercover Music via mail order and digitally through iTunes.
More Information: Artist Page